Insomnia is defined as dissatisfaction with sleep quality, or quantity that leads to impaired level of functioning and causes significant distress in ones life. Symptoms include difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, or early morning awakenings. While many individuals report sleep-impaired nights from time to time, insomnia is a recurrent syndrome, occurring on most nights for several months. It affects about 10-20% of the population. Risk factors are increased age, female gender, and physical and mental health issues. The consequence of recurrent sleep issues can be impaired quality of life, affecting one’s ability to function adequately both personally and professionally. Untreated, there is increased risk of accidents, and higher rates of psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression, substance use disorders) and cardiovascular disease (Hypertension). It is recommended that individuals suffering from insomnia seek medical attention to investigate for underlying or coexisting conditions that may cause or exacerbate the problem, and to review treatment options. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the practice of sleep hygiene can promote normal and quality nighttime sleep, and full daytime alertness. Some useful tips are as follows: Avoid daytime naps, stimulants like caffeine or nicotine, and large meals too close to bedtime. Establish a healthy exercise routine and allow adequate exposure to light during wake time. Establish a consistent bedtime routine allowing an adequate amount of sleep time and a healthy association with your bed and sleep or intimacy (avoid eating or watching TV in bed). Most importantly, create a pleasant and relaxing sleep environment.