Nelson Mandela has passed at the age of 95. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) honors President Mandela, his contributions, and legacy. Mr Mandela spent much of his life fighting against racial discrimination in a divided South Africa. He was imprisoned for over 27 years for his outspoken views against racial segregation by the ruling White National Party. He actively campaigned against restrictions in housing, education, health care, and social equality for people of color. He was arrested for leading the African National Congress in efforts to overthrow a corrupt and unjust white ruling class government. He remained in jail until 1990, and the collapse of Apartheid followed in 1994, when black South Africans were allowed a voice for the first time in the politics of their homeland. He went on become President in a Democratic South Africa, instilling the promise of a new era to come, until his retirement in 2004. In his tenure, he campaigned for ongoing health care and educational reform through the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and the Nelson Mandela Foundation. He was an advocate for the recognition, intervention, and prevention of HIV/ AIDS in South Africa. He worked to equalize education for blacks through scholarships, previously unavailable, to pursue higher education. He encouraged the academic pursuit of health professional degrees, changing the climate to a population based health care system. The APA shares his plight for equality, given ongoing discrimination against those suffering with mental illness and substance use disorders. In his lifetime, Nelson Mandela received over 700 awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize. A truly remarkable man, who against all odds became a diplomate of the world for racial equality. He is an inspiration and will not be forgotten.